Different types of leadership styles and personalities were studied more recently than other subjects of management. It was not so far, but in the early part of the twentieth century when interest in leadership increased. Some theories discuss the leader characteristics, traits etc. while some theories discuss the situations and leadership skills. However, in the past, it was believed that leadership was a born characteristic. But, the recent theories of leadership explained that leadership can be achieved as well by acquiring leadership skill.
There are many leadership theories from which few are very famous and valuable such as great man theories, trait theories, contingency theories, situational theories, behavioural theories, participative theories, management theories, and relationship theories. These theories are studied and followed all over the world.
8 Major Theories of Leadership
I have explained each type of leadership from the perspective of managing the profit and non-profit organization. These theories are widely studied and used throughout the colleges and universities.
The “Great Man” Theories
While “Great Man” theories were developed, it was believed that leaders are not made but born. That means, the leadership skill is inherent in a person’s characteristics. Once leadership was taught to be a male characteristic, and so the name “Great Man” taken place. That time leadership was taught to be heroic, disdained, and mythic. But later there was a strong critic against this theory, those leaders were said to be the product of the society.
The Contingency Theories
The contingency theories consider few external variables related to the environment. That means it does not talk directly about the internal strength or weakness, traits, characteristics of a leader. Rather, it considers a particular situation and best-suited leadership style. In other words, it advises that no leadership is best suited for all type of situation. It depends on a few external factors such as follower’s quality, leadership styles, and the condition of the current situation.
Situational Theories
Situational theories believe that leaders choose the best possible action in a specific situation. Different types of leaders take different types of actions according to their traits, leadership styles, and characteristics. So, for a certain type of leader will be appropriate to make a certain type a decision for a certain type of situation.
Behavioural Theories
Opposite to the “Great Man” theories, Behavioral Theories believe that leaders are not born, but made. These theories believe that leadership is not an outcome of inherent characteristics. But it’s an outcome of behaviourism. Day by day, people learn new things to manage their businesses, become an expert in making effective decisions and gain leadership skills.
Participative Theories
Different from other theories of business leadership, participative theories suggest that the action of others should be taken into account primarily. Ideal leadership is where the followers are participating actively in an event. These types of leaders promote participation, encourage people to be a part of the team, and reach a goal by participating. However, the main decisions, for example, input given, are made by leaders.
The “Trait” Theories
Trait theories are partially similar to the “Great Man” theories as these theories talk about the inherent traits and characteristics of great leaders. It assumes that some people inherent specific characteristics which help those making decisions and so. Trait theories identify and certain traits and behaviours of different leaders. But what about those people who have the same personality traits and are not leaders?
Management Theories (Transactional)
Management theories are related to the business organization. This type of leadership is related to giving reward and punishment as the responsibility is related to group performance and supervision. This theory is being thoroughly used in business organizations.
Relationship Theories (Transformational)
Relationship theories are based upon the relationships created between the leader and the followers. It is also called the transformational type of leadership. The theory states that there is a behavioural process in which people build or develop a strong relationship with each other. This relationship is based on strong trustworthiness between the leader and the follower.
Related Topics to Read:
- Leadership Qualities, Skills, and Styles of Gautam Adani
- Leadership Skills, Qualities, and Styles of Ratan Tata
- Democratic Leadership Style
- Servant Leadership Style

Sheikh Faizul Haque is an internet entrepreneur and the founder of The Strategy Watch; Graduated from North South University with a double major in Accounting & Finance in Bangladesh.
With a strong interest in developing and improving Business Strategy and to Conduct Business Analysis.