What is low-cost? How do you define a low-cost business? How much money do you need to initiate a low-cost business? What are some of the low-cost business ideas that can be started by anyone? These questions will be answered in this post.
What does low cost mean? Is it equal to a person’s daily pocket money? Or equal to the expenditure of a family’s spending of a month? Well, this is actually subjective. Another thing I must add, you need to spend a big amount of time to establish a business. And you know what? Time is costly. Online businesses are time-consuming to establish.
A business that requires low initial investment for buying the inventories, renting the space, implementing marketing strategies, hiring labor is defined as the low-cost business. Again, the invested amount could vary person to person.
Now, what do i mean by low cost? for small businesses, the low cost idea starts from 10k to 500k. So, any amount below 500k can be defined as a low cost.
Low Cost – Business Ideas Bangladesh
Start Personal Blogging
I always include this money-making business idea with most of the post because it is very cost-efficient and easy to initial. Furthermore, any person who has the knowledge on anything can start his/her business to make money with personal blogging. are you a doctor? an engineer? a housewife who has great skill in sewing or cooking? a teacher of chemistry? I, literally, mean anyone can start personal blogging.
Why is it a low-cost business?
It is a low-cost business idea because it needs a domain, a hosting, and a WordPress theme. A domain costs 1000 to 1300 taka, depending on the provider. At the initial stage, you will need a small amount of web space that is hosting. It may cost 1000 taka to 3000 Taka depending on quality and the amount of space you will need. A WordPress theme is not much costly, sometimes you will have it at free of cost. I do not promote domain or hosting provider here. So, i can not give you one. What you can do is, go to Google, and search for it.
Grocery Shop
Another low-cost business idea is starting a grocery shop. The first reason of choosing this business is, the product you sell in a grocery shop do not rot for most of the cases. Sometimes, while expiring the date, you can give it back to the supplier and take another in exchange. So, your risk of taking a loss from rotting products is very low.
Also, the products you will be selling from you grocery shop always have demand. People always buy those to fulfill their regular needs.
If you observe, you will see there are numbers of grocery shops in every local area of Bangladesh. Considering all these matters, the grocery shop business can be defined as low risky and stable profitable business.
We have listed few low cost- business ideas Bangladesh. Most of the businesses, except a few, can be start from a small size. These businesses can be grown to large scale in time with proper management and fueling capital in time.
I keep the freelancing in the third position. Freelancing is actually taking a work order as a freelancer, and earn money. At the beginning level, you need to take small orders. But after working for two or one year and achieving experience, you can start your own company. You can choose to start from many available areas.
Why is it low cost idea?
To start a career in freelancing, you just need a personal computer and an internet connection. You will see many free resources available in the internet for free. Go to YouTube and search any topic you want to learn, you will have many tutorials on in.
Related: How to Get the Most Profitable Business Niche in Bangladesh ? & 10 Small Business Ideas for Students in Bangladesh

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