After familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals of promissory notes, you may use the provided template to create your own note. If you need assistance drafting a promissory note because you have queries or are confused regarding any of the phrases or conditions, you should probably speak with an attorney.
What is a Promissory Note?
you can pledge to pay someone with a promissory note. One who promises to pay another is known as the payer, whereas the recipient of the promised funds is known as the payee. A promissory note is a formal, written promise to pay a debt by a specified date, made by one party to another. A promissory note is a written promise to pay money on a specified date or upon demand, signed by the drawer. This note is not tied to every currency note or banknote and is simply a short-term lending tool.
Your responsibility to pay is not contingent on any events occurring or actions being performed; the commitment to pay is an unconditional promise.
The notes are:
- What is owed
- When it’s due
- How much interest will be assessed and
- Any other terms of the loan
Promissory Notes and How They Work?
The guidelines further provide that an unconditional guarantee to pay must be included in the content of the paper and that the word “promissory note” must be used.
Promissory notes have the enforceability of a contract for a loan but are less formal than an IOU. Contrary to an IOU, which only recognizes the existence of a debt and the value one party owes another, a promissory note contains a particular commitment to pay and the measures required to do so (such as the payback schedule). However, in the event of a failure by the borrower, the loan contract would often outline the lender’s recourse options, such as foreclosure, whereas the promissory note will not. The paper may mention late fees and other penalties for late payments, but it rarely details what can be done if the issuer fails to pay on time.
Unconditional and transferable promissory notes are often utilized in business transactions across international borders since they are negotiable documents.
Promissory Note Types
The most popular promissory note is the corporate credit promissory note which is described below.
Corporate Credit Promissory Notes
In the corporate world, promissory notes are frequently utilized to cover temporary cash flow gaps. As an illustration, a business may get into financial difficulties if it has sold a lot of things but hasn’t yet received payment for them. As an alternative, it may propose that they take a promissory note that will be converted into cash once the company has collected its receivables. In another option, it may propose to the bank that it repay the loan with interest at some point in the future.
When conventional financing sources, such as bank loans or bond offerings, are no longer available, enterprises might turn to promissory notes as an additional credit line. Compared to, for instance, a corporate bond, a note issued by this corporation in this situation carries a greater risk of default. Because of the additional risk involved, the rate of interest on a commercial promissory note is also likely to be higher than on a bond issued by the same corporation. Typically, these notes need to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and/or the state where they will be sold (SEC).
The note will be examined by authorities to determine if the corporation has the resources to deliver on its commitments. If indeed the note isn’t really authorized, the investor is on their own to determine if the company has the financial wherewithal to make the required interest and principal payments.
In such a scenario, the investor’s recourse in the event of failure may be constrained. Firms in financial distress may use brokers who work for high commissions to market unregistered notes to investors.
The terms of a promissory note must be reasonable in light of the deal at hand. To make sure your own promissory note has all the necessary components, it’s a good idea to look at a sample first.
There are some other types of promissory notes mentioned below:
If the loan is secured by real estate or personal property, the promissory note will be secured. Lenders have the right to seize the collateral if borrowers default on their payments.
Unsecured promissory notes are those that have no backing from any other asset. When trying to collect on an unsecured note, legal action is required. Typically, personal loans between close friends or relatives are unsecured because they are for such a short period of time.
The convertible note is a form of note used to secure loans for businesses. A promissory note providing an alternative repayment option in the form of equity participation.
Earnest Money
A promissory note for an earnest sum of money shows that you are serious about buying a property. You, as a homebuyer, may be up against stiff competition from other buyers, which could force you to bid more aggressively and in a shorter time frame.
Simple Note
If you need money but can’t get it from a bank, a simple note may be the best alternative for you.
Demand Promissory Note
Any time the lender requests it, the borrower must pay back the loan in full (hence the name “demand promissory note”). In most cases, you’ll need to give a fair amount of notice.
A demand promissory note requires a demand letter to be sent to the lender in order to be collected on. This notifies the lender that the loan’s payback time is coming to a close and that immediate repayment is required.
Different types of promissory notes exist for various borrowing arrangements. Just a few examples will be given below.
Issued to Individual
Promissory Notes Issued to an Individual are a Special Type of Loan Obtained from Relatives and/or Close Friends. A promissory note demonstrates faith and belief in the borrower’s interest, even though people typically avoid legal documentation when soliciting a loan from a close friend or family member.
Commercial Note
When working with commercial lenders like banks, a commercial note is created. Most commercial promissory notes are very similar to handwritten love letters.
Issued for Real Estate Purpose
Nonpayment of a real estate note has the same repercussions as that of commercial debt. For as long as the debt remains unpaid, the party can legally hold on to the property even if the borrower goes into default. All the pertinent information is made public, which could hurt the borrower’s credit rating in the long run.
Issued to Raise Funds
Promissory notes can be issued to investors in order to have access to capital for the company. There are rules in place to regulate its use for this security function. Investment return terms and conditions are outlined.
Advantages and disadvantages of a promissory note
Advantages of a Promissory Note
- The drawer can get the money they need more quickly because there are fewer hoops to jump through.
- It’s very flexible, so the business can quickly cash off its investment (if the drawee of high credit score)
- Since the bill is unconditional, the drawer can spend the funds collected from the holder without any restrictions or conditions.
- No impact on the company’s gearing ratio is expected as a result of this.
- Disadvantages of a promissory note
- Due to its short tenure, financing from the bill can’t be invested in profit-table activities, reducing the likelihood of a positive return on investment.
- Bills may be returned as unpaid by the drawee; in which case the drawee will be responsible for paying the drawee’s losses.
- Due to the fact that it is an international bill of exchange, central bank approval may be necessary before it can be discounted, which could cause a delay in the financing.
Bottom Line
One party writes a promissory note to pay money later. Promissory notes are often used by non-financial organizations to confirm loan terms. A promissory note lets anyone lend.

Nishat Tarannum Mridula is a contributing writer at The Strategy Watch. She has been contributing for last two years.
Nishat is currently studying at the University of Dhaka. Even though her major is in Banking, she enjoys writing on diverse topics, starting from appliances to blogposts. She is in the middle of completing her BBA from University of Dhaka. Alongside that, she writes different types of business articles for The Strategy Watch.