If you are a resident of this planet then you have heard about Google. It is a company that has changed the face of the human race. The goal of this company is very simple; they aims to organize all the information in the world and make it accessible and usable. Google has become a daily part in our lives. It was founded in the year 1998, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin (1). It is making our live easier and productive than ever before as the time progresses rapidly.
SWOT of Google Inc
The Strengths of Google
The Ringmaster of the Circus: The Mega Search Engine, Google is the absolute game changer when it comes to online search percentage. Almost 87.35% of the search in the web is conducted in Google in the year 2020(2). Google is available in almost all over the world, covering almost every possible consumer of the internet.
World’s Largest Traffic Generator: In a single second, more than 40,000 searches are generated by Google; in a span of 24 hours Google manages to 3.5 billion hits and in a calendar year it breaks the roof with a whopping 1.2 trillion searches! This is the world largest traffic ever generated in real time (3).
Flexibility and Mobility: Google is the most flexible and fun to use search engine in the internet. Having said that, it can work on every device which has a minimal internet connectivity. It has an enormous database which provides information in lightning speed. So, no matter where you are, Google is with you.
The Weakness of Google
Heavily Dependent on Ads Revenue: By the year 2018, Google generates a revenue of almost 134.81 billion USD only in Advertisements. (5) It is almost 70.9% of the total generated Revenue. (6) Such dependency on a sector can be disastrous for a company. Many top companies are withdrawing their ads from Google as the standards are declining.
Lack of Privacy Concern: As Google has all the accessibility of information, lack of privacy of your search history and seeking of information is at risk. On the other hand there are multiple encounters when Google had to face criticism while leakage of information was encountered. This is an alarming matter for the company.
Lack of versatility in Consumer Items: Google is one of the most back-footed tech giant when it comes to manufacturing various consumer goods and delivering then to people’s hands. Google Slate books and Pixel series have been popular and successful. Google should pay attention on manufacturing more consumer items to create new possibilities in the market.
The Opportunities for Google
Upgrade Affordable Smartphones: Google pixels are the show stoppers of the smartphone market. But the market prices are over a grand is you want to have a decent Pixel. People are likely to be unable to afford this smartphone in the price point. Google should launch affordable smartphone to acquire the market share.
Build Wearable Gears: The next big revolution in the tech market is wearable. Every prominent brand is targeting their consumers to build a solid market for their products. Google has to step into that with their Glasses and watches to be the shining star in the said sector by producing some good products.
Revolutionize Cloud Computing: Tech enthusiasts have the common dream to have computing devices which will literally float in the air. This is where cloud computing comes into play. Google has all the resources and brilliant professionals to kick on the gas paddle on this very project. They need to get their hands up.
No Ads Google: People are getting annoyed day by day with lots of ads popping on their computer screens unwantedly. Google should start a new feature of monthly subscriptions of Ad-less features where people will enjoy the premium facilities with no disturbance. It will create a new revenue generating policy and more opportunities.
The Threats for Google
Companies Catching Up: Companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and many other tech Giants who are expanding their businesses and gaining revenues in higher pace than ever before. This is resulting in declination of investors to invest in Google and move to the competitors. Google is under constant threat of being dethroned from the crown.
Information Leak Controversies: Google has been accused multiple times over the accusation of leaking viable and important documents to the distressed seekers for their own professional interest. This accusations are proving to be a viable threat to the company and multiple trials around the globe is ruining the company’s reputation day by day.
Employment Relations Controversy: Employment in Google has been the all-time dream job for job for a young individual who is aiming to make big impact in the world. But multiple reports of Gender Bias inside the office or unplanned workload accusations are giving Google a hard time. This is a humiliating threat indeed.
Google has been the biggest tech Giant who has been changing people’s lives all over the years. Google has always the supreme choice of the consumers and will always be. A little here and there, some fixing in the infrastructure and more hands on in the physical market can do the trick for Google Inc. The best move of this company should be the reduction in one route revenue and create new possibilities in the market and be the force to reckon with. Google should focus on bringing the consumers to a better experience by creating physical outlets and experience centers.
Related: How does Instagram Make Money?
Reference Link:
- https://about.google/our-story/
- https://www.statista.com/statistics/216573/worldwide-market-share-of-search-engines/
- https://www.internetlivestats.com/
- https://www.androidauthority.com/history-android-os-name-789433/
- https://www.statista.com/statistics/266249/advertising-revenue-of-google/
- https://www.statista.com/statistics/266249/advertising-revenue-of-google/

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